Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Think I Love You (Full House OST) >> 9D is learning this song..difficult but we'll try ^^

I Think I Love You (Full House OST)

Kurolli optago anilkkorago midotjyo hmmm..
Naega gudael / saranghandani maldo andwijyo hmmmm..
Kwae-nhan jiltu-il-kkorago / naega wiro-un kabodago
Jashinul so-kyom-watt-jiman / ije donun nan / kamchul suga onnun-golyo

I think I love you kuron-gabwayo
Cause I miss you kudae-man omsumyon
Na(n) (a)mugotdo mo-thago jakku
(u) saeng-gang-nago iron-gon bomyon amu-rae-do
I’m falling for you nan mullat-jiman
Now I need you onu-saen-ga nae mam
Kipun gose aju kuke jarichamun kudaeye mosubul ijen puwayo

Urin ano-ullindago chin-gu guke ddak chuhtago hmmm…
Hanabuto yolkae todaeche mwo han-ge-rado mannunke onnunde
Ottohke sagwil su-in-nyago / maldo andwaenu-nae-girago
Malhamyo dullo daet-jiman / ijedonun nan / kurogiga shi-rhun-goryo

Repeat Reff

Nan mollatjyo kudae-ranun-gol wooohh..
Wae monbwatjyo baro apinde hoo yeah..
Kudong-an irohke baro nae-gyote issonnunde
Wae ijesoya sarangi bo-inun-gonchi hooohh..

Repeat Reff

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

about 9D lagi..wkwk

banyak perubahan di 9D dari kmaren mpe hari ni
kalo kmaren klas e suepiiiii buanget,,
hari ni ud agak mendingan lah
pas plajaran dah ada suara2 ngobrol
kmaren gilaaa..sunyi bgt..
krik krik krik~

hari ni dibagiin modul 3..
tebel2..berat buangett
mpe ndak brani takmasukin tas
taktenteng toq
gila ae neq ndak..

tapi thoo..
walopun baru 2 hari di 9D..
klas e ud 'kompak' lhoo
tp 'kompak' e pake tanya ('') lhoo

gini critane

once upon a time...

eh salah

tadi thoo..pas plajaran eng..
kan bahas materi ttg part of speech..
pas ttg Adjective..kan disingkat 'Adj' thoo
lha pas spell ada yg ngom 'e di ji' padahal neq gt kan jadi 'Adg'
tros miss yu ne ngom *pake mls nls eng..intine::*
"msoq kyk gini klas unggulan..bla3"

trus ktne nti pas jam yg ke2 mo dikasi game ttg 'Alphabet'
yg diliati mbe miss yu suru ngom dari a..trus pindah2 ke xg laen mpe Z
trus mulai bbrp ada yg salah gara2 ngom X..
mbe kdang gara2 ngom e pada pelan2.. jd ndak jelas mpe mana
akhir e mpe N ato apa gt..ada yg slah
trus stelah itu bbrp salah lagi
*aq ndak tau neq tnyata neq salah berturut2 gt nerusin trus..*
berhubung ndak ada sama skali yg tau mpe manaaa
ya jd maju smua deh ke dpan

o iyaa,,
swt nya..
berdiri ne ndak cuma berdiri biasa
ngangkat 1 kaki + megang tlinga..swt

jd 1 klas di dpan smua..trus miss yu ngom..*pake eng sih*
"msoq kyk gni exellent class e? klas laen ae cuma 4 toq.. ni mpe smua ne iq.."
trus ngom neq ada punishment e..
suru nyanyi lagune alphabet..
takpikir nyanyi skelas
nyanyi ne 1-1..
lama thoo yaa
akhir e aq duduk yg kira2 ke 10an lah..
males lama2 berdiri kyak gt..hahah

kompak kan klas q?? hahah
1 orang maju akhir e smua maju deh..hahah
malu2in ae..GG

Monday, July 13, 2009

First day @ 9D

kesan pertama di klas...
sepi buangettt klas e T_T
plajaran diem smua --a
jd kayak kuburan..hahah

td ndak upacara oq..
xg upacara sma grd 10..kan Oskar~

malah jd perwalian..
jam perwalian diabisin mb pak tar buat nginget2 nama murid..hahah
pdhl akhire pas jam mat *2 jam trakhir* pas tar e ud lupa nama q lagi.. wew
msoq aq,,wenny,,mbe melissa isa ketuker2 namane lho'o..pdhl beda bgt
pas liat aq lupa sama skali
pas liat wenny malah dibilang melissa,,trus amanda *duh2*
eh pas liat melissa malah dibilang amanda T_T

biz perwalian smua mikir ke ruang eng *jam pertama*
eh stelah nungguin di dpan rg eng..
langsung ke plajaran ke2..
plajaran pertamane diilangi..swt

biz tu pkoke neq plajaran diem smua..
kcuali pas jam trakhir..pas mat
ndak gt diem *tp ya ndak rame*
paling ktawa2 toq..wkwk

pdhl klas q berpotensi rame lhoo..haha
lha ada vita,,yaya,,dll oq..
mestine kan isa rame tuu
ya liat dlu deh..
nti isa rame apa tetep sepi..zzz

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oskar..Oskar..cape bgt =p

akhirnya hari ni Oskar slese juga
cape tp ya seru juga koq ^_^
hari ni cukup puas ngerjani n marah2 mbe adek2 klas..hoho
lha py..njengkelke oq

mulai dari kmaren yaa
kan aq bagian presentasi cara belajar..
pas presentasi ke-2 ku..
klas 7D tu masuk udah tlat
malah pada di luar kelas nyantai2
dipanggil suru masuk ga ada yg masuk
pas duduk suru cwo-cwe aja susah bgt
mpe bu eli yg nyuru pindah aja ndak mau..duh2..

trus tu pada ga pake atribut2
pdhl tu mereka enak lho..cuma pake slayer,,papan nama,,n tas kresek..

trus akhire hari ni..
pas pagi mpe bangun jam 5
gara2 ada jalan pagi
cape juga..wkwk
biz maem trus bantuin bungkus hadiah
stelah ituu
is ngerjani..marah2..wkwk
btw lanjutin bsok ae ahh~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

OMG!!!! T_T

pengumuman kelas2e udah dipasang lhooo

OMG!! kaget bgt!!

kelas unggulan yoo..


wali kelas e pak Tar..

cwo e 9 out of 27 *neq ga salah*

tapi y mending sih daripada klas unggulan e taon kmaren cwo e 5 toq..wkwk

aq nyateti smua oq..hoho


1. alfredo
2. alvita
4.andreas yohan

wew~ sepi..wkwk

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

wew~libur oq rasane cpet bangettt

libur 1 bulan lbih..
takpikir bakal kerasa lama banget soale sering ngganggur..hehe
eh..tau2 dah mo slese libur'e..
bsok anak2 grd 7 dah Oskar..
soo..libur q kepotong dkit..hehe
Oskar e ndak nginep..tapi 2 hari..wew
nanggung..mending nginep skalian..
daripada plg rumah,,pagi2 jam 6 kurang 15 harus brangkat skul..
eh2.. apa??
jam 6 kurang 15 dah brangkat??
iya lah~
koq gasix banget??
he'e oq.. gila ya? wkwk
wew..harus bangun jam brapa tuh~ zzz
gara2 ada acara "JALAN PAGI"
wew..aneh2 ae ya
gara2 pas final bipel,,ci inez bkin program "KOKI" -Komunitas Onthel Karangturi-
tapi akhir e diganti mbe jalan pagi..wleh..swt
yahh..dijalani dulu lah..wkwk
btw pngen cpet2 upacara bsok iq..
kan ada perkenalan guru2 gt..
pnasaran sapa aja yg ngajar grd 9..hoho

Monday, July 6, 2009

AGAIN~mimpi tentang patung Yesus.. wew

2 hari yang lalu aq mimpi aneh lagi..
sbenere akhir2 ni mimpi aneh2 trus sih..wkwk
tapi 2 hari yang lalu mimpi tentang patung Yesus lagi..

setting'e kayak e di Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..
yang ada patung Yesus yang besar banget tu lhoo..
keren banget ya mimpi ke sana..haha
pengen banget isa ke sana~ hoho
tapi di mimpi patung e jadi agak kecilan dikit..
eh ndak dikit dink..
kyake jadi seukuran manusia tp lbih besar dkit toq oq..
lagian jadi ndak setinggi yg di sana..
ya iyalah..kan aq blom pernah ke sana..
kalo pernah mesti ndak bakal jadi aneh2 kyak gt..

trus lagi2...
kyak mimpi Patung Yesus yg kmaren2..
*yg blom baca,,baca yg ttg mimpi yg tak post kmaren2 y*
x ni patung e ya isa gerak juga! wew ~_~
kyak e pas tu aq ngliati jam..tiap 15 menit skali patung e gerak..
pas pertama liat aq mpe kaget.. @.@
tapi kalo tiap 1 jam gerak e lbih lama..
*aneh2 aja ya mimpi tu*

nah,, aq liat patung e dari dpan..
aq mpe bingung koq patung Yesus tu rasane bungkuk banget
*koq malah jadi kyak patung Yesus Memberkati yg di Menado -kalo ndak salah-*
di mimpi q si patung kayak mikul beban berat buanget..

finally kmaren aq pegi ke Gua Maria Kerep, Ambarawa
*eh ketemu Mr. Anjas di sana*
nah..stelah doa di dpan gua Maria,,
aq naek ke tempat yang ada patung Yesus yang disalib..
trus aq doa di sana
sbenere bukan doa sih..
haha > <
ngerenungin mimpi q..
koq udah 2x mimpi ttg itu..
pdahal sbelom tu ndak pernah mimpi ketemu patung Yesus..
apalagi yang gerak gt..hii~
aq mpe meh nangis lho pas duduk di dpan patung Yesus di Kerep tu=p
blom nangis matane dah basah..wkwk

soale aq mikir..
koq tiap mimpi yang ada patung Yesus e..
patung e mesti sedih gt..
yang pertama kan nangis..
perhaps nangis gara2 liat manusia skarang kyak gini..
yang trakhir kayak terbebani gt *ciee bahasa q*
perhaps Yesus capek nanggung dosa2 kita yang makin lama makin numpuk..
ya kan??

jadi pengen nerima sakramen tobat lagi iq..
trakhir x pas sbelom aq krisma oq..dah taon lalu..
kapan ya ada pengakuan dosa di gereja..
pengen.. coz pas dulu SD *berhubung skul di SD katolik~* sering banget ngaku dosa..
kalo abis ngaku dosa rasane enak banget..
legaaa..ndak ada beban apa2
bneran lho..
mpe kadang stelah ngaku dosa,, kalo rasane mo berbuat dosa mpe tak tahan2..
eman2,,abis ngaku dosa msoq mo langsung bkin dosa lagi..

wkwk post ni direnungin aja y friend..hehe
itu juga kalo ada yang mau baca post ni =p

God Bless You aLL..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This Is Me---Demi Lovato ft Joe Jonas---Camp Rock

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Gotta Find You---Joe Jonas---Camp Rock

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Oh yeah
Yeah yeah

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you It'll be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I want to be
Oh next to you... and you next to me
Oh I need to find you... yeah

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Yeah, yeah... I gotta find you