Thursday, December 24, 2009

wogh aq kna demam KambingJantan..wkwkwk

kmaren cici q beli buku KambingJantan nya si Raditya Dika
pas ampe rumah sih cici q dlu yg baca..
tp baru ampe halaman 6 ato 7 tros dy slesein dulu baca novel laen


KambingJantan cici q ta sandera dlo..hohoho
en tnyata lucu juga tuh buku

*pdahal tu buku taon 2005 tapi aq baru baca skrg..kasian bgt ya :p*

isine tu diambil dari blog nya di Radith..
pngalaman e yg gila2 dari 2002 ampe 2004..
pas baca mpe ktawa2 ga jelas sndiri >.<

*untung ga ada yg denger gara2 pas tu TV lagi nyala..hehe*

tp blom slese baca sie..
baru...yaaa skitar stengah nya lah
pengen nya sih nti kelar in baca..huehehehe

o ya..cari blog nya dy ah..
*feeling q di blog e tasha ada..kyke kn dy fans e..wkwkwk*

bsok udah Natal niyy..asik2 ^^
*aq kyaknya tmasuk orang yang sneng banget ama Natal deh..huehehehe*

Happy Holiday,, Merry Xmas,,and Happy New Year ea ^^


Friday, December 11, 2009

yeyy uus slese~

akhirnya uus slese jg
rasane uus x ni oq aq nyantai bgt ea..
td mat e mayan susa sie di uraian e..especially no 1 n 2
pas awal ngerjain uraian ae 2no tu ta lompati seq oq..hwhwhw
tp akhir e pas ta cocokin mbe tmen2 kyake bner sie *thanks God*

soo buat refreshing bsok siang rencanane meh pegi ama tmen2
tp melissa g isa
so xg ikod::
aq, wen, aileen, lorraine, edria n nike~

tp ga isa 100% nyantai sie.. T_T huhuhu
bsok snen science day
aq ikod lomba xg inventional competition..
lha masalah e,, buat lomba tu blom pasti meh bkin apa
pas tu dah pernah nyoba 1 ttg anti-gravity..
nemu dr internet..
en berhubung nemu ne dari internet tuu
hasilnya NOL.. GAGAL TOTAL!!

py jal
xg cwo xg ikod ndak mikiri tu lomba oq..huhuhu
td pul skul ae yo n do2 ta panggil bwt rundingan malah jwb e 'nanti nanti~'

trus td aq kpikiran..
apa coba bkin keju ae y?
aq blom pnah coba siee
tp sie mesti ne isa
*tp kalo rasane kyak gimana,,dunno deh =p*

tp gmpg oq tu~

huff ~_~ mumettt

btw slasa ada classmeeting..
tp lomba2ne males
futsal 2 cwo 3 cwe
tarik tambang 5 cwo 5 cwe *tmen2 byk yang tertarik..n sayangnya aq ga tuh*
trus apa lagi sie tadi *lupa*

trus bsok e Eng Fest..
lomba ne bkin comic
1 klas maju in 8 orang buat ikod
pengen jg sie..hehehe

trus bsok e yg kyak e seru niee
*aq oq agak tertarik*
Eng Quiz
1 klas 20 orang
keren to rame bgt ntar..wkakakkaka
makane aq jd pengen..rame2 gt kan seruu =p

yaa aq sie pengen e klasku yg science n eng fest menang~ hehehe
neq klas laen xg mnang malu2in tho yaa..hehehe
nti mesti dibilang 'hii klas unggulan oq kalah'

neq xg lomba classmeeting futsal n tarik tambang tu sie ga menang yo gpp~ wkwkwk

Friday, December 4, 2009

Drama EnG-Peteman ^^

Sbnere ud kmrn slasa gpp laa..iseng2 crita~

Gini, buat Eng practical test e drama..
tp hrs funny story about legend or fairy tale..
Klompokq enk sie..
aq, wen, vita, brigette n do2
*do2 cwo dw..wakakakak*

Bgg meh milih crita apa, jdne ide crita dari peterpan..

Tp ben lucu critane diplesetin smua..dr nama tokoh mpe crita..

Ptamane peterpan e meh djadiin 'Peter Man', tp akhre malah jd 'PETE MAN' *do2*

Trus tkoh2 laen jg diplesetin..
Kalo tinkerbell sie cman jd 'tinkerball' *that's me!*

Captain Hook e jd Captain Hulk..*vita*

Wendy ne *xg jd tu wen* namane jd 'wedi'

Namane isa jd kyak basa jw..

Trus kan msi ad brigette..akhre deen jd adke wedi..
Nama ne john..

Tp gr2 wedi ne kyk nama bs jw n kalo 'john' tu terlalu keren bwt villager..
Brigette nyeplos 'jontor' and kyaknya lucu jg tu nama..
Soo..finally namane jd 'johntor'..hoho

Trus critaneee
*seq2..gila lu mau ngetik smua?pake hp ni..swt*

Okok kpan2 aja aq post script e..hehe

yg jlas aq puas koq ama dramane..

Tmen2 smua full ktawa pas ntn..
*termasuk ms.yunita..pdhl ktne suru bole malah ktawa2 d blkg..wkwkwk*

Tp emg sie dramane lucu bgt..bukan funny story lagi tuh..tu comedy..haha

Liat vita ae ga mgkn ga mgkn ga ktawa..
Gila aja..dn pake pnutup mata xg bwt pirate n kumis..gimana ga ktawa coba..

Pas bar ganti kostum n masuk klas aja ud pada ktawa..

*including ms.yunita..pas vita masuk ae langsung ktawa mbe nunjuk2 vita ben pada liad..wkwkwk*

Pas maju drama untunge ga ad scene yg ilang sie..
Malah ad yg improv dw..

Eh y tp ad xg slah dink..
Tp jd g masalah oq..

Pas awal2 kan ad yg critane nglempar kertas, tp gr2 lp nyiapin kertas n drama ud mulai, jd vita ngambil origami sumo d meja samping, diuntel2 trz dlempar..wkwkwk

Dah ah aq ngtik ni lama bgt..
Ud dr sore gr2 mbe ntn tv, sms, dll jd lama..wkwkwk

Monday, October 19, 2009

outbond n LDK OSIS 16-17 oct part1

tgl 16 n 17 kmaren aq,,melissa,,n danny nemeni anak2 grd 7 yg ikot outbond n a little ank grd 7 n 8 yg bakal ikot OSIS
t4 e di t4 outbond buk plengkung,,Tuntang,Sala3..
dket mbe rumah e Mr.Anjas oq
lha pas sabtu ne ae mr.Anjas dateng ke sana naek speda~
*yg grd9 cman ber3 gara2 emg OSIS yg skrg grd 9 cman kita..huh*
pas pagi hari ke2 aq bilang ke mel klo aq ngerasa useless bgt di situ
lha biasane kan klo LDK tu ad acr di mana yg calon OSIS tu suru bkin rencana kegiatan klo mreka jadi OSIS
eh tnyata g ada~
ya aq tb2 ngrasa useless ae
tp lama2 dipikir2..
eh,,x ni tu walopun aq ndak ikot sebagian acrne gara2 oq malah isa blajar banyak ya *ciee*
lha pas nyampe sana..
pas acr lumpur2an..ada 3 games
1...perang guling..suru mukul lawan mpe jatoh
2...suru berdiriin kyk tangga gt rame2 pake tali bar tu salah 1 naek n mukul gong
3...*ni aq ga cman dicritani* tu kapal2an ato gmn lah
yg jelas smua tu bkin badan,,clana,,n baju KOTOR!!

akhir e jam stenga 3 aq ngajak mel balek tenda
takut ae nti neq grd7 dah pada slese..
neq liat aq n mel baju e masi pada bersih...
isa2 nti dikena i lumpur
so inti ne mending kabur dlo aja..

bar tu pkir e meh langsung mandi ae
lagian mumpung kmar mandi masi pada kosong
*daripada neq antri nti suru di KAMAR MANDI MASSAL*
bar tu guess what aq n mel ngapain di tenda??
berhubung ank2 OSIS yg grd 8 thu jaket OSIS e pada digeletakin di mana2..
ad yg clana ne biz ganti ditinggal gitu aja,,
trus aq n mel dnak betah ngliati pemandangan kyak gitu
*berantakan bgt wis*


qt jadi ne ngelipetin smua jaket2 n clana tu..
ngrapiin tenda..
nata ni tenda
pkok e ben lbih rapi lah
lagian kan mumpung masi blon gelap
drpd ud gelap malah repot mo nata apa2 kudu pake senter~

tros jam stenga 5 nan yg dari lumpur2 ud pada balik
aq n mel ndak mau mreka masuk ke tenda donk
gila aja nti yg ada tenda ne jadi ikot penuh lumpur thu
jd qt ngambil ta mreka,,taruh d dpan tenda ben mreka ngambil dari dpan..

wis lah..pkok e aq n mel ki kyak mam e mreka smua oq

tp gpp sie
*latian jd ibu rumah tangga..gyahaha*

jd qt skrang ngerti
gimana rasane klo ngliat kamar berantakan kyak gitu

n guess what
aq n mel bruntung bgt
pas mreka meh mandi thuuu
aer e mati!!!
jadi ya krna emg harus mandi gr2 badan penuh lumpur~
mreka ke sungai deh..
at least bersih2 dkit gitu

tros neq acara malem..
api unggun..aku ikot sie..
bar tu jam 9nan balek tenda n disuru bobo

aq n mel dah ijin ndak mo ikot jerit malem e oq
pake alesan yg sama ama pas aq ndak ikor lumpur2an
bukan yg mo jadi osis lagi

duh aq ngtik panjang bgt ea
dah seq ah
bsok2 ae lanjutin
tu jg klo ndak males
makane tu di title e apa tulisan "part1"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

tangan ku kena tinta printer..grr..tlanjur agak kering san~ susa dihapus

pas ngeprint ips
malah di kertas e ada geret2 item gitu
berhubung ndak gt banyak takbiarin ae..hehehe

tros pikir e meh ngeluarin t4 tinta ne..
meh cb ta isi
berhubung blom pernah liat t4 tinta di printerku..kyak e ni printer baru diisi tinta ne 1x oq
jadi aku berharap t4 tinta ne podo mbe printer q xg dlo..
tapi ternyata ndak
takpikir tu tinta ndak bakal netes ke tangan lah..
eh ternyata ndak
tinta ne ngalir..kena tlunjuk kiri q..
tros cpet2 nyari tisu bar tu cuci tangan

malah tb2 mbak q masuk ke kamar..tros tanya2 ttg hpne..ndak mudeng *dudud*
lha cman tulisan "message to bla3 was delivered"
aq dah bilang seq mbe mbak q..
"seq to lho jari q belepotan tinta..meh tak bersihi"
malah ngeyel tros bilang gini
" maksud e apa to?kamu kan ngerti bahasa inggris to"
padahal jelas2 di telunjuk q penuh tinta gitu *lebayy*
bar tu akhir e takjawab maksud e apaan
walopun si mbak ya ndak mudeng xg takomongke..
msoq tulisan kyak gt dikira ada org sms ke hpne kyak gitu lho'o..swt tnan

and then....


gara2 aku masi megang t4 tinta ne n ndak merhatiin tu gara2 liat ke hpne mbak q
pas aku liat tanganku.......

oh no!!!
tintane ngalir lagi
skarang kena jempol q...
bar tu cman ke hapus dkit toq..
n finally si mbak keluar kamar juga
aq langsung cpet2 ke wastafel di dpan kamar..
tapi kyak e udah tlat deh T__T
tinta ne keburu kering...
njengkelke tnan ik
jadi skarang aq ngetik dngan ujung telunjuk n jempol tangan kiri penuh tinta
jadi kyak orang bar nyoblos ae..
huff ~_~
dasar si mbak..
coba klo tadi ndak tanya2 kyak gitu..
mesti aq dah isa cuci tangan cpet2 n bekas e ndak jadi kyak gini

wew blogger swt

hih jengkel ik
kan aq buka
bar tu meh log in,,
udah loading siee
eh bar tu malah tulisan e..
lupa intine neq email n password e ndak match
mpe skitar 3 ato 4 x ta coba
sempet mikir gini sih,
"mati..koq ndak isa log in ea? msoq ada yg tau pass q tros ngubah pass e.."
tapi akhr e tak cb lagi 1x buka blogger..
bar tu log in
finally isa log in juga
*walopun sbenere ga ngerti mo ngapain buka blog..gyahahahaha*

Friday, October 9, 2009

lama ndak nge post nih~

gara2 skarang punya plurk..
dan klo tu ndak dibuka dlm 24 jam karma ne bakal turunn~
skarang tiap ol mesti buka plurk juga *selaen fb sie*
eh tapi malah jadi lupa buka blog n twitter..gyahahaha
pas ni aku buka tau2 udah byk bgt postingan baru xg blon ta baca
so,,berhubung ni jumat *Thx God It's Friday* jadi aq sempetin deh baca 1-1
sbenere aku pengen nge post juga
cman masalah'e...
ndak tau mo crita apaan..wkwkwk
msoq cite ttg skul? hwhwhwhw
tp apaan ea? huhuhu

btw kmrn2 aku jd t4 bwt crita2..hehe
aq mpe bgg msti kasian mbe sapa..huff

btw lagi
Thank's God It's Friday again ^^ yeyyy

Saturday, September 19, 2009

musik enake maen apa hyaa?

wew msih bgg iq enake buat musik meh maen lagu apa
disuru e lagu indo sie..hehehe
ktne mo lagune Vierra yg bersamamu
tp nti kacian xg keyboard soale yg maen e paling lama keyboard..
dari intro mpe ending
tp neq g meh maen lagu apa y
ada yg bilang sempurna ne vierra

suru milih lagu indo ya bgg iq
pilihane kbanyakan se...wkwk

pas lagu pertama kan suru lagu Asia..
tu milih cman seadane dari fd ne wen oq..haha
jdne maen "I Think I Love You" yg buat OST. Full House

tros lagu ke2 tu suru lagu barat
gara2 bgg pas tu aq bilang "Welcome To My Life" e Smiple Plan ae
soale kan pasti pada ngerti..hehe

dari 2 lagu tu sie aq lbih sneng yg Welcome To My Life
soale agk lbih susa..hehe
kan biar smangat..hohoho
tp entah knp,,aq kan skrg maen e bass,,koq lbih cpet apal chord e ya daripada pas klas 8 aq maen keyboard tros..wkwkwk
apa gr2 aq jd apal tmpat2 e y..hwhw

huff..enak e maen lagu apa yaa??
ada ide?? hahaha
padahal sbelom dikasi tau klo bkal maen lagu indo..
aq n tmen2 malah ngrencanain seandaine disuru lagu barat lagi,,
meh maen lagune Camp Rock yg "This Is Me"
eh malah disuru lagu indo
yawdah deh tu bwat kpan2 ae..hehehe
sbenere kren lagi neq This Is Me ne yg Demi Lovato ft. Joe Jonas
cman masalah'e
di klas q cwo yg ikot musik cman Noel
gtw deh dn isa nyanyi ap g
klo isa kan kren =p

padahal abis libur masuk e hari rabu
pas hari tu ada musik
brarti harus ud bw chord n lyric e donk~
dah deh
nikmatin libur e seq ae

Happy Holiday, guys ^^,


dah lama bgt ndak nge post di blog iqq
paling2 neq mbuka cman comment2 toq..hehehe
lha gtw meh nulis apa oq =p
wew..bsok brangkat ke Surabayaa
setidaknya daripada di rumah gtw meh ngapain
ujung2e paling aq smsin tmen2..
sapa tau ada yg bales..jd smsan..hahaha
tp aq pegi cman mpe rabu tgl 23 sie..
tp gpp ez daripada nganggur di rumah
ngabisin internet
eh malah ni mgkn dah mbludak..
dah ahh~

Sunday, August 30, 2009


td kan aq ke dp
abis dari naughty,,tros kan jalan..
tb2 cici q blg
"nda,tu lho ada gurumu"
aq bgg maksud e sapa
tros cici q blg lg
"tu lho..miss yu~"
tros aq liat ke kiri..
eh hee ad ms.yu ge mbe ..... y gt lah
aq say malah ms yu ne bgg tros kabur =p
biz tu taksms
"ehem2 *lanjutan e ap lp iq*"
eh ternyata tu td ms yu gtw neq tu aq..makane kabur..hahahah
bar tu aq nunggu mam d parisien
tau2 ms.yu masuk situ jg..
takdiemin seq t
takpkir ah biarin mpe nyadar seq ez
tros akhir e taksms
"miss liat kiri"
soale pas sms tu aq di sbelah kirine
eh malah bas mbuka aq d blkg e~
y ms.yu nengok2 bgg nyari aq deh..swt
soo..takpanggil ae..wkwkwk
malah jd ngobrol2 ^^
tros taktanya i
"miss..boyfriend e ya?"
miss yu ne senyum2..tros *berhubung bf e di blkg e* jwb pelan bgt kyak bisik2 malah
aq g mudeng tu apaan
eh tnyata maksud e "BG" -Bodyguard-
bodyguard apa bodyguard tuu~ hwhwhw ^^v *peace* least aq dah tau org e kyk apa
soale tmen2 ud byk yg pernah liat sie..
kan pnasaran..wkwkwk
skrg ud g pnasaran bgt deh~ =p

wew..bgg mo nls judul apaan..wkwkwk

eh tau ndak..
kmaren tu tau2 aq dpt sms dr 'cc q'
"Isi ulang berhasil. Kode transaksi *mls ngetik* . Ingin tahu paket murah lainnya? tekan *500# lalu OK/TES. Pake XL, murah & simpel"
takpkir paling tu sms ke4ward toq
tp iseng2 aq ngecek pls q thoo
oOo..ternyata masih tetep oq
takpkir ya paling2 dy abis isi pls..tros ke 4ward..
taktanya i malah blg
"udah dicek saldonya? nambah kan?"
lho2..msoq dkirimi pls bneran lho'o
tp ndak nambah tuh~
mpe skrg juga masih ttep~
taktnyai np oq tb2 ngirim..
ktne "ya kan murid special cici"
ahh~ jd bgg..dkirimi bneran apa ndak sie..
ktne pls ne ud kurang tuh
n kyk e g mungkin deh klo mboongi..hwhwhw
tunggu ae ez..mg2 nti nambah
25rb yoo...wkwkwk

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

yippee !! ^^

pas kmaren pul skul..kan aq extra science club..
tros iseng2 aq mbe melissa kliling2 skul..ngliatin kelas2 xg dihias..
naek lt 2 *xg dhias dkit bgt *
tros malah naek lt 3..wew
rg bi ne dhias smua iq..
tros kan liat bu si2l di bi9..ya nyapa ae..wkwk
biz tu ketemu ms yu di koridor
tros miss yu ngom gini
"congratulation get the highest score among the six classes"
hwee? serius?? aq mpe kget.. *lebay*
jd ya miss yu nyalami aq mbe bgg2 gt..hwhw
tros ms yu e ngom mbe mel..
biz tu kan aq ngom
"really miss?" *maksud e ndak percaya neq paling tinggi nilaine*
tros miss yu masang tampang2 melas.. *wkwk*
tros ngom
"of course.. I never tell a lie~ "

wew..apa'e~ hehe
pas tu ae diboongi berkali2 oqq T__T

ah xg penting sneng~ wkwkwk

Monday, August 17, 2009

Billy Gilman!!! ^^

One Voice
Billy Gilman

*lagune enak ^^*

Some kids have it some kids don't
And some of us are wondering why
And mom won't watch the news at night
There's too much stuff that's making her cry

We need some help
Down here on earth
A thousand prayers
A million words

But one voice was heard
A house, a yard, a neighborhood
Where you could ride your new bike to school
A kind of world where mom and dad
Still believe the golden rule
Life's not that simple
Down here on earth
A thousand prayers
A million words

But one voice was heard
One voice, one simple word
Hearts know what to say
One dream can change the world
Keep believing, till you find your way
Yesterday while walking home
I saw some kid on Newberry Road
He pulled a pistol from his bag

And tossed it in the river below
Thanks for the help
Down here on earth
A thousand prayers
A millions words

But one voice was heard
One voice was heard
One voice was heard

Billy Gilman!!! ^^

There's A Hero
Billy Gilman

*lagu ne dah agk lama bgs bgt oqq ^^*

There's a flower in the smallest garden
Reaching for the light
There's a candle in the darkest corner
Conquering the night
There is amazing strength in a willing hand
There are victories
That you've never planned
There's a hero in everybody's heart

There's a fire inside of everybody
Burning clear and bright
There's a power in the faintest heartbeat
That cannot be denied
Go on and trust yourself
Cause you can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero in everybody's heart

Go on and trust yourself
You can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero in everybody's heart

Billy Gilman!!! ^^

Everything and More
Billy Gilman

You never looked more beautiful
Than you look tonight
In your eyes I see all I can be
And how you changed my life
You held on when I let go
Now all I want is to let you know


Your love is like a river
It runs through my heart and soul
It's deep when I'm thristy and warm when I'm cold
And when I feel forgotten I come runnin' to your shore
And find peace of mind time after time
You give me everything and more

When tomorrow comes I can face the morning
In a different light
You can change your mind a thousand times
Nothing will ever change mine 'cause


The sun will rise and the light will shine
Everything will be alright
Oh, yes it will 'cause


Your love is like a river
It runs through my heart and soul
It's deep when I'm thristy and warm when I'm cold
And when I feel forgotten I come runnin' to your shore
And find peace of mind time after time
You give me everything and more

Taylor Swift..Taylor Swift..

Teardrops On My Guitar
Taylor Swift

Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without

Drew talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me

He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight

'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see

Taylor Swift..Taylor Swift..

You Belong With Me
Taylor Swift

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

Taylor Swift..Taylor Swift..

Our Song
Taylor Swift

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart

I look around, turn the radio down
He says, ?Baby is something wrong??
I say, ?Nothing I was just thinking
How we don't have a song? and he says

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again

I was walking up the front porch steps
After everything that day
Had gone all wrong or been trampled on
And lost and thrown away

Got to the hallway, well, on my way
To my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice all the roses
And the note that said

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again

I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song

'Cause our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on his window
When we're on the phone and he talks real slow
'Cause it's late and his mama don't know

Our song is the way he laughs
The first date man, I didn't kiss him and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again
Play it again, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song

aww..lg tergila2 ama Billy Gilman n Taylor Swift..wkwkwk

wew..akhir2 ni jadi sering donlod n dengerin lagu2ne Billy Gilman n Taylor Swift..wkwkwk
suarane keren oq..lagu2 ne ya enak2..wkwk
ah drpd bgg mo nge post post lyric2 lagu ne Billy n Taylor ae ahh~ ^^

thx God ^^ ul bj bsok open book =p

wew..dpt good news td pagi
untung ikot upcr *lho kok?*
soale bar upcr kan aq bareng mb fanny n yaya..
tros si fanny iseng meh tny mbe bu si2l..ttg ul bj buat bsok
*msoq dikasi vocab bj-bs.krama 400 no! omg T_T *
eh malah bu si2l ngom "nanti ulangannya open book..."
pas dnger mpe shock *lebay*
tp muka e bu si2l serius oq..jd ya percaya aja..wkwkwk
jd lucky me
mgkn klo ndak ikot upcr aq ndak tau klo ul bj ne open book
n isa2 stress ngapalin 400 nomer.. ---a

Friday, August 7, 2009

huwah~ grade IX !!

dah lama buanget ndak nge post
akhir2 ni busy tros
baru ngerti deh kyak apa grd 9 tu~
btw aq oq krg sneng neq klas q dibeda2in gt ya ;(
misale pas fisika niee..
pas tu bu nanik nerangin bentar bgt
padahal masih pada blom mudenk
tros pas ada yg minta diterangin ulang..
bu nanik e ngom gni
"lho..takpkir dah pada mudeng smua..takpikir klas unggulan lbih cpet mudeng..ya saya mbablas trus nerangin e"

trus neq plajaran laen..ada yg kurang mudeng
misale td pas bi

si jes disuru nulis ndak mudeng gmn..trus bu si2l ngom
"ya ampun 9D..kyak gt koq ndak mudeng2..katane kelas unggulan"

kmaren pas ul bi *yg jujur..susah n takut liat hasil e T_T *
kan perintah soale ndak jelas
trus mpe pada tanya trus
mpe kyake bu si2l e jengkel ditanya i trus *wkwk* akhire ngom
"eh ni ulangan ya..ndak ada tawar2an..baca soal sendiri..kyak gitu koq ndak mudeng..9D..9D"

trus neq pas pergantian jam,,klas q agk lama di klas
nti klas laen pada ngom
"hih..klas unggulan koq suwe.."

eh tapi td pas bi lucu lhoo
si denata tu isa ngomong gini mbe melissa *aq denger..berhubung aq du2k di dpan e*
"lho..dewe tu kelas unggulan thoo?"
trus bu sil e denger mpe ktawa trus diomongke sekelas..haha
"eh ni lho temenmu..ada yang baru nyadar kalo dia di klas unggulan..haha"

o ya..neq guru yg kdg2 nyindir klas q tu miss yu
pas awal2 minggu ae dah ngom
"is this the exellent class?"
neq ndak
"is this the face of the brilliant students??"

sneng iq isa nge post lg..wkwk
kesempatan refreshing sie~hoho
lha ez..minggu2 ke depan bakal full yg lbih buanyak lagi~

huwaa..Billy Gilman!! suarane keren..wkwk

There's A Hero
(Billy Gilman)

There's a flower in the smallest garden
Reaching for the light
There's a candle in the darkest corner
Conquering the night
There is amazing strength in a willing hand
There are victories
That you've never planned
There's a hero in everybody's heart

There's a fire inside of everybody
Burning clear and bright
There's a power in the faintest heartbeat
That cannot be denied
Go on and trust yourself
Cause you can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero in everybody's heart

Go on and trust yourself
You can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero in everybody's heart

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Think I Love You (Full House OST) >> 9D is learning this song..difficult but we'll try ^^

I Think I Love You (Full House OST)

Kurolli optago anilkkorago midotjyo hmmm..
Naega gudael / saranghandani maldo andwijyo hmmmm..
Kwae-nhan jiltu-il-kkorago / naega wiro-un kabodago
Jashinul so-kyom-watt-jiman / ije donun nan / kamchul suga onnun-golyo

I think I love you kuron-gabwayo
Cause I miss you kudae-man omsumyon
Na(n) (a)mugotdo mo-thago jakku
(u) saeng-gang-nago iron-gon bomyon amu-rae-do
I’m falling for you nan mullat-jiman
Now I need you onu-saen-ga nae mam
Kipun gose aju kuke jarichamun kudaeye mosubul ijen puwayo

Urin ano-ullindago chin-gu guke ddak chuhtago hmmm…
Hanabuto yolkae todaeche mwo han-ge-rado mannunke onnunde
Ottohke sagwil su-in-nyago / maldo andwaenu-nae-girago
Malhamyo dullo daet-jiman / ijedonun nan / kurogiga shi-rhun-goryo

Repeat Reff

Nan mollatjyo kudae-ranun-gol wooohh..
Wae monbwatjyo baro apinde hoo yeah..
Kudong-an irohke baro nae-gyote issonnunde
Wae ijesoya sarangi bo-inun-gonchi hooohh..

Repeat Reff

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

about 9D lagi..wkwk

banyak perubahan di 9D dari kmaren mpe hari ni
kalo kmaren klas e suepiiiii buanget,,
hari ni ud agak mendingan lah
pas plajaran dah ada suara2 ngobrol
kmaren gilaaa..sunyi bgt..
krik krik krik~

hari ni dibagiin modul 3..
tebel2..berat buangett
mpe ndak brani takmasukin tas
taktenteng toq
gila ae neq ndak..

tapi thoo..
walopun baru 2 hari di 9D..
klas e ud 'kompak' lhoo
tp 'kompak' e pake tanya ('') lhoo

gini critane

once upon a time...

eh salah

tadi thoo..pas plajaran eng..
kan bahas materi ttg part of speech..
pas ttg Adjective..kan disingkat 'Adj' thoo
lha pas spell ada yg ngom 'e di ji' padahal neq gt kan jadi 'Adg'
tros miss yu ne ngom *pake mls nls eng..intine::*
"msoq kyk gini klas unggulan..bla3"

trus ktne nti pas jam yg ke2 mo dikasi game ttg 'Alphabet'
yg diliati mbe miss yu suru ngom dari a..trus pindah2 ke xg laen mpe Z
trus mulai bbrp ada yg salah gara2 ngom X..
mbe kdang gara2 ngom e pada pelan2.. jd ndak jelas mpe mana
akhir e mpe N ato apa gt..ada yg slah
trus stelah itu bbrp salah lagi
*aq ndak tau neq tnyata neq salah berturut2 gt nerusin trus..*
berhubung ndak ada sama skali yg tau mpe manaaa
ya jd maju smua deh ke dpan

o iyaa,,
swt nya..
berdiri ne ndak cuma berdiri biasa
ngangkat 1 kaki + megang tlinga..swt

jd 1 klas di dpan smua..trus miss yu ngom..*pake eng sih*
"msoq kyk gni exellent class e? klas laen ae cuma 4 toq.. ni mpe smua ne iq.."
trus ngom neq ada punishment e..
suru nyanyi lagune alphabet..
takpikir nyanyi skelas
nyanyi ne 1-1..
lama thoo yaa
akhir e aq duduk yg kira2 ke 10an lah..
males lama2 berdiri kyak gt..hahah

kompak kan klas q?? hahah
1 orang maju akhir e smua maju deh..hahah
malu2in ae..GG

Monday, July 13, 2009

First day @ 9D

kesan pertama di klas...
sepi buangettt klas e T_T
plajaran diem smua --a
jd kayak kuburan..hahah

td ndak upacara oq..
xg upacara sma grd 10..kan Oskar~

malah jd perwalian..
jam perwalian diabisin mb pak tar buat nginget2 nama murid..hahah
pdhl akhire pas jam mat *2 jam trakhir* pas tar e ud lupa nama q lagi.. wew
msoq aq,,wenny,,mbe melissa isa ketuker2 namane lho'o..pdhl beda bgt
pas liat aq lupa sama skali
pas liat wenny malah dibilang melissa,,trus amanda *duh2*
eh pas liat melissa malah dibilang amanda T_T

biz perwalian smua mikir ke ruang eng *jam pertama*
eh stelah nungguin di dpan rg eng..
langsung ke plajaran ke2..
plajaran pertamane diilangi..swt

biz tu pkoke neq plajaran diem smua..
kcuali pas jam trakhir..pas mat
ndak gt diem *tp ya ndak rame*
paling ktawa2 toq..wkwk

pdhl klas q berpotensi rame lhoo..haha
lha ada vita,,yaya,,dll oq..
mestine kan isa rame tuu
ya liat dlu deh..
nti isa rame apa tetep sepi..zzz

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oskar..Oskar..cape bgt =p

akhirnya hari ni Oskar slese juga
cape tp ya seru juga koq ^_^
hari ni cukup puas ngerjani n marah2 mbe adek2 klas..hoho
lha py..njengkelke oq

mulai dari kmaren yaa
kan aq bagian presentasi cara belajar..
pas presentasi ke-2 ku..
klas 7D tu masuk udah tlat
malah pada di luar kelas nyantai2
dipanggil suru masuk ga ada yg masuk
pas duduk suru cwo-cwe aja susah bgt
mpe bu eli yg nyuru pindah aja ndak mau..duh2..

trus tu pada ga pake atribut2
pdhl tu mereka enak lho..cuma pake slayer,,papan nama,,n tas kresek..

trus akhire hari ni..
pas pagi mpe bangun jam 5
gara2 ada jalan pagi
cape juga..wkwk
biz maem trus bantuin bungkus hadiah
stelah ituu
is ngerjani..marah2..wkwk
btw lanjutin bsok ae ahh~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

OMG!!!! T_T

pengumuman kelas2e udah dipasang lhooo

OMG!! kaget bgt!!

kelas unggulan yoo..


wali kelas e pak Tar..

cwo e 9 out of 27 *neq ga salah*

tapi y mending sih daripada klas unggulan e taon kmaren cwo e 5 toq..wkwk

aq nyateti smua oq..hoho


1. alfredo
2. alvita
4.andreas yohan

wew~ sepi..wkwk

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

wew~libur oq rasane cpet bangettt

libur 1 bulan lbih..
takpikir bakal kerasa lama banget soale sering ngganggur..hehe
eh..tau2 dah mo slese libur'e..
bsok anak2 grd 7 dah Oskar..
soo..libur q kepotong dkit..hehe
Oskar e ndak nginep..tapi 2 hari..wew
nanggung..mending nginep skalian..
daripada plg rumah,,pagi2 jam 6 kurang 15 harus brangkat skul..
eh2.. apa??
jam 6 kurang 15 dah brangkat??
iya lah~
koq gasix banget??
he'e oq.. gila ya? wkwk
wew..harus bangun jam brapa tuh~ zzz
gara2 ada acara "JALAN PAGI"
wew..aneh2 ae ya
gara2 pas final bipel,,ci inez bkin program "KOKI" -Komunitas Onthel Karangturi-
tapi akhir e diganti mbe jalan pagi..wleh..swt
yahh..dijalani dulu lah..wkwk
btw pngen cpet2 upacara bsok iq..
kan ada perkenalan guru2 gt..
pnasaran sapa aja yg ngajar grd 9..hoho

Monday, July 6, 2009

AGAIN~mimpi tentang patung Yesus.. wew

2 hari yang lalu aq mimpi aneh lagi..
sbenere akhir2 ni mimpi aneh2 trus sih..wkwk
tapi 2 hari yang lalu mimpi tentang patung Yesus lagi..

setting'e kayak e di Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..
yang ada patung Yesus yang besar banget tu lhoo..
keren banget ya mimpi ke sana..haha
pengen banget isa ke sana~ hoho
tapi di mimpi patung e jadi agak kecilan dikit..
eh ndak dikit dink..
kyake jadi seukuran manusia tp lbih besar dkit toq oq..
lagian jadi ndak setinggi yg di sana..
ya iyalah..kan aq blom pernah ke sana..
kalo pernah mesti ndak bakal jadi aneh2 kyak gt..

trus lagi2...
kyak mimpi Patung Yesus yg kmaren2..
*yg blom baca,,baca yg ttg mimpi yg tak post kmaren2 y*
x ni patung e ya isa gerak juga! wew ~_~
kyak e pas tu aq ngliati jam..tiap 15 menit skali patung e gerak..
pas pertama liat aq mpe kaget.. @.@
tapi kalo tiap 1 jam gerak e lbih lama..
*aneh2 aja ya mimpi tu*

nah,, aq liat patung e dari dpan..
aq mpe bingung koq patung Yesus tu rasane bungkuk banget
*koq malah jadi kyak patung Yesus Memberkati yg di Menado -kalo ndak salah-*
di mimpi q si patung kayak mikul beban berat buanget..

finally kmaren aq pegi ke Gua Maria Kerep, Ambarawa
*eh ketemu Mr. Anjas di sana*
nah..stelah doa di dpan gua Maria,,
aq naek ke tempat yang ada patung Yesus yang disalib..
trus aq doa di sana
sbenere bukan doa sih..
haha > <
ngerenungin mimpi q..
koq udah 2x mimpi ttg itu..
pdahal sbelom tu ndak pernah mimpi ketemu patung Yesus..
apalagi yang gerak gt..hii~
aq mpe meh nangis lho pas duduk di dpan patung Yesus di Kerep tu=p
blom nangis matane dah basah..wkwk

soale aq mikir..
koq tiap mimpi yang ada patung Yesus e..
patung e mesti sedih gt..
yang pertama kan nangis..
perhaps nangis gara2 liat manusia skarang kyak gini..
yang trakhir kayak terbebani gt *ciee bahasa q*
perhaps Yesus capek nanggung dosa2 kita yang makin lama makin numpuk..
ya kan??

jadi pengen nerima sakramen tobat lagi iq..
trakhir x pas sbelom aq krisma oq..dah taon lalu..
kapan ya ada pengakuan dosa di gereja..
pengen.. coz pas dulu SD *berhubung skul di SD katolik~* sering banget ngaku dosa..
kalo abis ngaku dosa rasane enak banget..
legaaa..ndak ada beban apa2
bneran lho..
mpe kadang stelah ngaku dosa,, kalo rasane mo berbuat dosa mpe tak tahan2..
eman2,,abis ngaku dosa msoq mo langsung bkin dosa lagi..

wkwk post ni direnungin aja y friend..hehe
itu juga kalo ada yang mau baca post ni =p

God Bless You aLL..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This Is Me---Demi Lovato ft Joe Jonas---Camp Rock

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Gotta Find You---Joe Jonas---Camp Rock

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Oh yeah
Yeah yeah

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you It'll be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I want to be
Oh next to you... and you next to me
Oh I need to find you... yeah

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Yeah, yeah... I gotta find you

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I met Jesus in my dream last night! T.T

tadi malem mimpi q bner2 aneh..
rasane aq tidur lama bgt deh..dari jam 12 mpe stenga 9..hoho
kalo disuru crita mimpi q kayak gimana kayaknya ndak isa nyeritain deh..
sebagian besar udah lupa =p
tapi yang ndak bakal lupa tu gini nih *seinget ku aja ya*
pas tu ge jalan2 di sebuah tempat yang di kenyataan aq pernah kunjungi..
semacem tempat retret gt lah..
aq lupa nama ne..
soale aq baru ke sana 1x sih..
pas mo ke jogja mbe ci Ida n ci Winy..hehe

lanjut ke mimpi q..
di sana kan ada taman'e besarrrr bgt..
trus ada patung santo2 gt..
trus aq liat di sbelah kanan tu ada Yesus..
sbener'e pertama aq liat tu takpikir patung juga..
tapi tiba2 'patung' Yesus tu isa gerak, trus nangis.. T.T
stelah nglewati liat lagi 'patung' Yesus tu gerak lagi..
x ni kyaknya ndak nangis,,tapi duduk trus muka'e sedih banget..

abis tu mimpi ne lanjut ke gereja..tapi aq ndak pernah liat gereja kayak gt..
trus doa lamaaaa buanget mpe kayak ktiduran..wkwk
*emang lagi tidur =p*

trus mimpine lanjut lagi......tapi dah agak lupa n kalo inget jg males crita ne..wkwk

pas pagi aq bangun aq langsung inget kalo aq abis mimpi ktemu 'patung' Yesus yang lama2 aq mikir
"wew..jangan2 tadi malem tu aq mimpi ktemu Yesus..bukan patung Yesus yg gerak dsb"
"jangan2 Yesus bner2 nangis ngliatin dunia sekarang.."
aq ngerasa ada alesan knp aq isa mimpi ktemu Yesus..
kan jaranggg buanget..
baru pertama x malah..hehe
skarang aq jadi ngrenungin mimpi q trus..

Monday, June 29, 2009

thanks ya ci,,udah kasi tau lagu ni..bagus bgt >.<

ternyata bner loh ci..lagune enak jg..hehe
slow2 gt..haha
thk u ^^

You Are Not Alone
Michael Jackson

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone

Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there

You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

koq jadi nge post lyric lagu ne Taylor Swift tros ya?? biarin ah..apik oq

I'd Lie lyrics
Taylor Swift

I don't think that passenger seat
Has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes

He'll never fall in love he swears
As he runs his fingers through his hair
I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong
And I don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke I fake a smile
That I know all his favorite songs and

I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't a light go on?
Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?

He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine

I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie

He stands there then walks away
My God, if I could only say
I'm holding every breathe for you

He'd never tell you but he can play guitar
I think he can see through everything but my heart
First thought when I wake up is, "My god, he's beautiful"
So I put on my make up and pray for a miracle

Yes, I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue oh and it kills me
His sisters beautiful he has his father's eyes
And if you asked me if I love him
If you ask me if I love him, I'd lie

Recommended song ^^, must hear! hehe.. apik oq

Fearless --- Taylor Swift
Songwriters: Lindsey, Hillary; Rose, Liz; Swift, Taylor Alison;

There's somethin' 'bout the way the street looks when it's just rained
There's a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot, yeah

We're drivin' down the road, I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair
Absent-mindedly makin' me want you

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless
And I don't know why but with you I dance
In a storm in my best dress, fearless

So baby drive slow 'til we run out of road
In this one horse town, I wanna stay right here
In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me
In this moment, now capture it, remember it

'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress, fearless

Well, you stood there with me in the doorway
My hands shake, I'm not usually this way
But you pull me in and I'm a little more brave
It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really somethin'
It's fearless

'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress, fearless

'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress, fearless

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bosen, trus dengerin lagu ni jadi smangat..wkwk

I Just Wanna Live
by Good Charlotte

I need an alarm system in my house
So I know when people are creeping about
These people are freaking me out (these days)
It's getting hectic everywhere that I go
They wont leave me alone
There's things they all wanna know

I'm paranoid of all the people I meet
Why are they talking to me?
And why can't anyone see?

I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live ("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live x2")

I rock a law suit when I'm going to court
A white suit when I'm getting divorced
A black suit at the funeral home
And my birthday suit when I'm home alone
Talking on the phone got an interview
With the Rolling Stone they're saying
"Now you're rich and now you're famous fake ass girls all know your name
And Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous your first hit aren’t you ashamed"
Of the life, of the life, of the life we’re living

I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live

Stop your messing around boy
Better think of your future
Better make some good plans boy
Said every one of my teachers
Look out better play it safe you'll never know what hard times will come your way
We say where we're coming from
We've already seen the worst that life can bring

Now we get expect it everywhere that we go
All the things that they say
Yeah we already know

I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live

what?? koq gitu thoo T_T

I got a bad news yesterday..
msoq OSKAR taon ni ga jadi nginep lho'o.. T_T
padahal aq dah sneng neq OSKAR x ni nginep..
pengen ngerjani anak2 grade7 pas jerit malem oq..
lg an kan ada bbrp yg adek e tmen q..
ya hopefully deh ya,,oskar x ni ga nyengsarain OSIS e lagi..hehe

OMG! masih harus bikin presentasi tau mau diapain oq..wkwk
msoq suru bkin presentasi ttg "CARA BELAJAR"
emang e mentang2 nilai q apik *bukan'e sombong lho* trus cara blajar q nggenah ya? =p
neq blajar ae SKS -Sistem Kebut Semalem- oq..hehe
kcuali neq pas UUS sih..kan harus bikin ringkesan seq..sama aja mbe nyicil..hehe

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Holiday..happy or boring? ^^, <

denger kata itu sih rasane sneng..wkwk
*sapa coba yang ga sneng kalo libur? apalagi kalo 1 bulan.. ^_^ *

tapi..baru bentar libur udah bosen iq..
Soale rasane kyk ga pegi ke mana2..kan stelah ambil rapor aq langsung pegi..
Skarang njamur di rumah deh..hehe

Bukan'e aq anak rajin tros mending skul lhoo.. haha
neq libur kyk gini buat refreshing dah cukup pake banget oq =p

Jadi pengen cpet2 OSKAR ae..wkwk
pengen bales dendem be OSKAR taon lalu..sengsara bgttttt!!
jaket q keinjek2.. sragamq kecoret2 bolpen T_T huff

eh tapi neq OSKAR brarti udah mo masuk skul donk..grade 9?? omg~ wkwk
God, why time fly by too mush fast?? he2
Life must go on~ya kan?

Tapi neq libur gini tu tiap hari isine cuma :
1. bangun
2. mandi
3. maem
4. nonton tv
5. sms an
6. buka fb
7. chatting
8. dengerin lagu
9. blogging
10. tidur

apa lagi coba?? @@
paling2 juga ke mall..tu jg dah bosen..mall di smg itu2 toq oq..biasa2 toq

dah mayan puas jalan2 di S'pore juga sih..
mall2'e kan jaoohh lbih kren..wkwk

kurang keren apa coba ni mall (Orchard Central) :

ni pas pagi2

yang ni pas malem2..lampune keren bgt

lagian S'pore tu banyak bgt pohon..jd rasane lbih adem..
smg panassss .. huff

yawdah deh..ada yang punya ide ben libur yg masih panjang ni ga jadi tambah boring n boring?? =)

HAPPY HOLIDAY, all.. moga2 ga boring ya..wkwk

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Lovely 8D Class >.<

Huwaaa~ 1 taon di 8D ga kerasa iq T.T
masa hari ni udah perpisahan?? hmmph~ emang bener yg Bu Lucy pernah bilang "Ga ada seorang pun yang cukup kaya untuk membeli masa lalunya".. kata2ne tu rasane dalemmmm bgd *lebay* tp emang bener,kan?
wew~ga tau knapa ya, di 8D tu rasane enak bgd.. Mpe rasane ga mau pisah >.< Tapi mau gimana lagi.. Time fly by too fast.. We can't stop the time, right? huff.. rasane aja barusan banget kumpul2 ama tmen2, pak Toni n Bu Lucy.. maem2.. foto2 *narsis donk.. tp buat kenang2an trakhir gt~* .. ngobrol2.. crita2.. Eh tau2 skarang udah di rumah..ngetik ini~ Dalam beberapa jam lg bakal tidur.. bangun.. ke skul.. tros pergi.. nti ga kerasa udah pulang lagi~ ckckck.. koq cpet bgt ya??
btw.. thank's ya friends.. udah mau jadi tmen2 gila q di 8D.. udah mau seneng n sedih bareng hwhw.. uhm..I hope aLL of u will pass this year with a good results!
jiayou all!
God Bless (^^,)v

Sunday, June 7, 2009

pamer2 =) wkwk

Hunter X Hunter

wdew~killua ne kurang 'L' iqq

Kurapika ^^

Killua lagi..

Killua lagiii

request'e yaya ni >.<

majang killua xg banyak ahh~~
manas2i yaya >.< haha.. peace ^^V
laen x gambar killua lg ah~ wkwk





huff.. hot day



will n matt

sbener'e masih buanyakkkk lg sih~
kpan2 ae lah
upload ni dah mumet..wkwk

comment yaa..
paling suka yg mana?? wkwk

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Precious Moment

hmphh,,,I know that there's a 'farewell' in every meeting
yeah..that's right
My Math teacher got pregnant and Mrs.Lucy replace her for 2 months. At first,I didn't feel different between Mrs.Lucy and the other Math teachers, until I knew that she's special for us.
There's no any special Math teacher with an extraordinary ability like her..
Now,she's gone from our school, and I know it's very hard for her to leave my school. We cried in happiness, and won't forget that precious moment
Mrs. Lucy, as u know, we love u

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thank God!!

yeah!!! Thank God^^

finally i can open my google account again
so I can open my blog n edit it..>.<

I've tried so many times to access my acc but always always and always failed..huff

so i feel sooooo happy..

and well...this is first post this year..hoho